Friday, August 14, 2015

Spicy Jokes - Painting Season

A Long Way To Go - Rude Jokes

Two sperms are swimming along after being ejaculated, one turns to the other and says "I’m exhausted, how much further to the egg?"

the other replies... “We’ve got a long way to go yet, we've just past the tonsils

Scroll down for Today's Joke

Painting Season - Redneck Jokes

A chili day in October a man was on a ladder painting his trees stand for the up coming hunting season.

As the man was painting another hunter came through the woods and walked directly under the ladder in which the man was painting on.

Bumping the ladder as the hunter passed a can of paint came crashing down towards the hunter below.

The man on the ladder suddenly shouted, " QUACK,QUACK, GOBBLE GOBBLE!"

The can of paint hit the hunter below covering him in green paint.

The hunter furiously yelled at the man. " Why didn’t you worn me? "

the Man Replied, " I did, I told you to duck, turkey!

Scroll down for Today's Tip of The Day


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If we allow ourselves to be surrounded by negative people, it is more likely that we’ll become more like them than that any of them will become like we are. This becomes a time to not try to educate, but a time to evacuate.
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