Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Spicy Jokes - An Affair With His Secretary

Men Are The Best Chefs - Male Jokes

This is the reason why men are the best chefs in the world, with 2-nuts and a sausage they can fill a woman up for nine months.

Scroll down for Today's Joke 

An Affair With His Secretary - Marriage Jokes

A married man was having an affair with his secretary. One day, their passions overcame them and they took off for her house. Exhausted from the afternoon's activities, they fell asleep and awoke at around 8 p.m.

As the man threw on his clothes, he told the woman to take his shoes outside and rub them through the grass and dirt. Mystified, she nonetheless complied and he slipped into his shoes and drove home.

"Where have you been?" demanded his wife when he entered the house.

"Darling," replied the man, "I can't lie to you. I've been having an affair with my secretary. I fell asleep in her bed and didn't wake up until eight o'clock."

The wife glanced down at his shoes and said, "You liar! You've been playing golf!"


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Relationships - Motto for Life! - #1102
"It's far better to tell the truth and be rejected, than to hold it back and be accepted"
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