Thursday, December 25, 2014 - Daily Jokes - Your Daily Joke - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Sex Jokes :: #13656
By Howard S from USA.

A man is lying in bed in a Catholic hospital with an oxygen mask over his


A young auxiliary nurse appears to sponge his face and hands.

"Nurse," he mumbles from behind the mask, "Are my testicles black?"

Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, I'm only here to wash

your face and hands."

He struggles again to ask, "Nurse, Are my testicles black?"

Again the nurse replies, "I can't tell. I'm only here to wash your face and


The ward sister was passing and saw the man getting a little distraught so

marched over to inquire what was wrong.

"Sister," he mumbled, "Are my testicles black?"

Being a nurse of longstanding, the sister was undaunted. She whipped

back the bedclothes, pulled down his pajama trousers, moved his penis out of

the way, had a right good look, pulled up the pajamas, replaced the

bedclothes and announced,

"Nothing wrong with them!!!"

At this the man pulled off his oxygen mask and asked again, "Are my test

results back???"

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The Tip of The Day from
Inspirational Poems :: #1686
By Heidi B. Lapin from Tampa USA.

Perfecting Our Soul
Life is our classroom for perfecting our souls,

the forks in the road help us choose our own goals.

There's no right or wrong in the direction we choose,

God gave us free will; we don't win or lose.

We can veer right or left or go forward or back

Take which way feels right, for no learning shall lack.

And when this life ends, we'll look back and decide

if we yearn more perfection, or stay on the Other Side

Each immortal soul is given the choice

to come back to a life to express a new voice,

but remember, each day, if life seems not to give

a choice of circumstance;

It's through those lessons we must live

sometimes worth it to leave it to chance.

They're all for perfecting, though sometimes bring pain,

but gets better with time…for it's more wisdom we gain. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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