Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Joke A Day - Funny everyday Jokes

aJokeADay.com - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Sport Jokes :: #2754
By Owens Pomeroy from Baltimore Maryland USA.

John received a free ticket to the Super Bowl. Unfortunately. John's seat was in the last row in the corner of the stadium. He was closer to the Goodyear Blimp than the stadium. He noticed an empty seat 10 rows up from the 50-yard line. He decides to make his way to the empty seat. As he sits down he asks the man next to him if anyone is sitting there. The man told him no, it was empty. John is very excited to have a seat like this at a Super Bowl and asks why in the world no one is using it? The man replied that it was his wife's seat but she passed away. He said this was the first Super Bowl that they have not attended together since they were married in 1968. John said that it was really sad and asked if he couldn't find someone, a relative or a close friend to take the seat?

"No" replied the man, "They're at her funeral!"

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The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com
Money :: #3398
By Walt Haskins from Lahaina. Hawaii USA.

If you don't have a paper shredder, and you have a large number of papers that you want to make unusable by someone that might discover them in your rubbish, just soak them for several hours in soapy water; remove them and then wad them into balls of mush and discard with your other rubbish.

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