Thursday, March 15, 2012 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Sport Jokes :: #22859
By Anonymous from USA.

It was the immigrant's first time at a baseball game. His friend cheered wildly each time a batter came to the plate, and after a while the immigrant cheered as well.

After Vinnie DiFate had had his turn at bat, the immigrant shouted, "Run, Vinnie, run!"

"No," his friend said, "Vinnie has four balls, so he walks." Eyes wide, the immigrant yelled, "Walk tall, Vinnie! Walk tall!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Nutrition :: #142
By Rosie Abell from Memphis USA.

Antioxidant rich spice
Another herb that is antioxidant-rich is rosemary. According to research, rosemary contains powerful antioxidants that may help to inhibit free radical damage to cells. Rosemary was been revealed to have even greater health benefits than paprika. Using rosemary to season fish, vegetables, egg-white omelets, and salads will give your system an antioxidant boost. -
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