Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Careful Chimp

Careful Chimp

A couple goes to the zoo for lunch and stops in front of the monkey
cage. A large monkey begins looking at them. The man tosses the monkey a
peach from his lunch bag. Monkey looks at the peach, breaks it in half,
takes the pit out, shoves it up its ass, takes it back out, puts the pit
back in the peach, closes the two halves, and eats the peach.

The couple is grossed out by this, but curious as to whether the monkey
would do it again, so the man tosses the monkey his second peach. The
monkey looks at the second peach, breaks it in half, takes the pit out,
shoves it up its ass, takes it back out, puts the pit back in the peach,
closes the two halves, and eats the peach. The couple are really
disgusted by this.

Just then, the zoo keeper walks by, so the couple stop him and ask why
the monkey has such a disgusting habit. The zoo keeper says, "Oh yeah,
he's been doing that for about 2 weeks now. Ever since someone gave him
an Avacado, and he had trouble passing the pit. Now he checks to make
sure they fit before he eats anything..."

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