Thursday, November 7, 2013

Aha! Jokes Laughing Gas Newsletter for November 07

Laughing Gas Newsletter
For November 7, 2013!

Today's Fun Page:

Crazy Warning Signs

Ever see a sign and wonder why it would ever need to exist? We thought the same thing about the signs featured in this weeks fun page. If you think you've seen some messed up signs, wait until you see these!

Deaf lady in trouble

One day a lady was driving on the Highway. She frequently checked her speed gauge to make sure she stayed within the speed limit. However, when she looked into her rear mirror, much to her dismay, she saw a police car not far behind! And, to make matters worse, the police car turned on his flashing lights. She thought to herself, "Uh-oh, what have I done now? I'm not speeding. I'm not drinking. I have my seat belt on! I have kept up my license dues and everything!"

So, she pulled over and the police car pulled over to the side right behind her car. She drove her car slowly to a stop, slowly rolled down the window, and prepared for a ticket when she knew she didn't deserve it. A policeman walked up to her window, and spoke to her. The lady pointed to her ear and shook her head, meaning she was deaf. The policeman smiled slightly, and knowing sign language, signed back, "I know. I'm here to tell you that your horn is stuck."

Share a laugh with friends!

Funny Video of the Week

Puppy's First Reaction to an Orange

Britta the dog goes crazy over an orange!

Check out this and other hilarious videos sure to make you laugh in our Funny Videos section.
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