Thursday, November 21, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Work Jokes :: #23027
By from Unknown

A man sits down in a restaurant and within a minute he knocks his spoon on the floor. The waiter was quick to pull a spoon out of his coat pocket and replace it for the one that had fallen on the floor. The patron comments on how fast he was able to replace the spoon. The waiter explained the restaurant owner had hired an efficiency expert to study the restaurant operation and make recommendations. One recommendation was for all wait staff to carry an extra spoon in their pocket because 78 percent of patrons will knock the spoon off the table.

The patron was notably impressed and continued with his meal. While eating he noted the waiter had a small length of string attached to the zipper of his pants. The patron asked the waiter what the string was used for, to which the waiter explained that was another efficiency recommendation by the expert. By fastening a string to the zipper and the front of his underpants he could unzip and never have to touch anything, therefore reducing the time in the bathroom and not needing to wash their hands before returning to work.

The patron thought about it and commented, how do you get everything back in? To which the waiter answered, I am not sure about the other waiters - I use the spoon.

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The Tip of The Day from
Travel :: #3225
By Walt Haskins from Lahaina, Hawaii USA.

When we travel, we need to remember that we aren't travelers in a foreign land but foreigners in a traveled land. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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