Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Joke A Day - Funny everyday Jokes - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Men Vs. Women Jokes :: #2455
By Rachel from USA.

A man found a magic genie who would grant him one wish. The man said to the genie," I wish that I had a non-stop bridge from here to Hawaii." The genie said," I'm sorry, but that's going to be very hard. Do you have another wish?" The man answered, "Of course! I want the power to understand all women." The genie thought for a minute. He replied, "How many platforms did you want on that bridge?"

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The Tip of The Day from
Health :: #6131
By Anonymous from USA.

Do you know the signs of Inflammatory Breast cancer?
Think of breast cancer and you may also think of "finding a lump."

But women need to be aware of another kind of breast cancer, one that rarely results in a lump.

Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) occurs when cancer cells clog the lymph vessels in the skin over the breast. Instead of forming lumps, IBC cells tend to spread out in the breast tissue, often in "sheets." This produces unique symptoms.

IBC is uncommon, adding up to about one percent of all breast cancer cases, but it can strike at a younger age than other breast cancers. It is also very aggressive.

Symptoms can develop rapidly, over a period of days or weeks.

The affected breast may:

•Feel firmer than the other breast.

•Look red and swollen and feel warm.

•Have red spots that are very itchy and may at first resemble a spider bite.

•Have skin that is dimpled or pitted, resembling and orange peel.

•Have a nipple that has flattened or turned inward.

In most cases, these symptoms are caused by breast infections or other non-cancerous health problems. However, because IBC grows quickly, it's important to inform your doctor about any unusual changes in your breasts.

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