Saturday, October 23, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Marriage Jokes :: #4571
By from Unknown

An elderly couple was on a cruise and it was really stormy. They were standing on the back of the ship watching the moon, when a wave came up and washed the woman overboard. They searched for days and couldn't find her, so the captain sent the old man back to shore with the promise that he would notify him as soon as they found something.

Three weeks went by and finally the old man got a fax from the boat it read:" Sir, sorry to inform you, we found your wife's body at the bottom of the ocean. We brought her up to the deck and attached to her butt was an oyster that has a pearl worth $500,000. Please advice." The old man faxed back: "Send me the pearl and re-bait the trap."

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The Tip of The Day from
Relationships :: #5520
By Michelle Welch from Sarnia, Ontario Canada

Do you really care about the friends that you have and want to keep them in your life for good? Then do not enter into a business deal with them, nor loan them money and ask for it back (give it as a gift), nor borrow money from them. Nothing dampens or ends a friendship more than arguing with each other over money. So if you value your friends do not let money enter into the friendship. -
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