Saturday, October 23, 2010



Little Johnny refused to eat. So his mother, in desperation, took him
to the psychiatrist, who tried many methods, to no avail. The
psychiatrist asked, "What would you like to eat?"

"Worms" Little Johnny said. The psychiatrist was gleeful as he sent his
nurse for cupful. Placing them on a plate, he said, "Here they are."

"I want them fried" was the response.

The nurse took them and had them fried.

When presented with them, Little Johnny replied that he only desired
one. The psychiatrist took one and in a strong voice said, "Here is only
one. Now eat it."

"I only want half and you eat the other" was the reply.

The psychiatrist swallowed one half and gave the other to Little
Johnny. Just then Little Johnny began to cry. The doctor asked what was

Little Johnny said, "You ate my half!"

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