Friday, October 29, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Doctors Jokes :: #1911
By from Unknown

Four Doctors were talking to each other about who was the best patient to operate on. The first Doctor said, "The best person to operate on are librarians cause everything inside them is in Alphabetical order. Disagreeing, the second doctor announced that Mechanics were the best to operate on because they understand if you've got parts left over when you're done. The third Doctor replied, "No, No you are both wrong, a technician is the best cause everything inside is color coded."

"excuse me!" broke in the fourth Doctor, "The best to operate on are politicians; they have no guts, no spine and the head and rear are interchangeable".

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The Tip of The Day from
Famous Quote :: #1314
By Georgie-Anne from Oshawa Canada

No shame
There is no shame when you try and fail; there is only shame when you fail to try. Anonymous -
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