Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Beaten Up

Beaten Up

Santa Singh was travelling in a crowded bus. He was carrying a Passport
size photograph of his son (for college admission). Accidently, the
photograph fell down from his pocket. He started searching for it
frantically and found the same on the floor of the bus.

Politely, he asked the saree clad female, standing in front of him,
"Can you lift your saree? I want to take a photograph"

The rest is history. He was beaten so badly that he had to be admitted
in a hospital. He was surprised to see Banta Singh on the bed next to
him, in a still worse condition. Banta started to explain his

He had gone to a remote village on some work & due to his high level of
intelligence, couldn't finish the work on time. He had missed the last
bus from that place. He couldn't find any Hotel. So he approached a
nearby house and asked the owner whether he could stay there for the
night. The owner replied, "I have 2 grown up daughters. Sorry, I can't
allow you to stay".

He approached the next house and asked whether he could stay there for
the night. The owner replied, "I have 3 grown up daughters. Sorry, I
can't allow you to stay".

He went towards the next house and without taking any risks, asked, "Do
you have "grown up" daughters?".

The owner asked, "WHY?????????"

Banta replied, "I want to stay here for a night..... "

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
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