Monday, October 8, 2012 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Religious Jokes :: #14221
By Anonymous from USA.

Jesus, Moses and an old bearded man are golfing. Jesus tees up, hits his drive straight toward the hole, only to find it bouncing toward the lone water hazard on the course. It flys to the water, stops and hovers just above the pond. Jesus approaches the pond, walks to its middle, and hits the hovering ball to within inches of the cup. Moses steps up to the tee, and finds his drive approaching the same water hazard. He raises his club, the pond waters part, and the ball comes to rest just shy of the cup. The older man hits a poor drive, it screams onto a nearby road, ricochets off a truck, and hits the water. A frog intercepts it, only to be picked up by a passing eagle. Frog and ball are lifted skyward, only to be dropped by the eagle to within inches of the cup. In his scramble to get away, the frog hits the hall, knocking it into the cup for a perfect hole in one. Moses looks to Jesus, and says, " Boy, I hate golfing with your dad!!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Stress Control :: #4
By Anonymous from USA.

Confront fear head on!
The best way to battle fear is never to avoid it, be alert to it, as it tends to hide from you or perhaps we want to hide from it as a defense mechanism. As soon as the feeling of fear emerges, go into yourself, first feel the emotion physically in the energy centers of your body typically tightness in your chest, solar plexus (the pit of the stomach) or your throat, then analyze your thoughts, do not resist, nothing you do can change the circumstances or person generating that feeling, no matter how bad it feels accept it as an unavoidable part of life, as you do, feel good about yourself you are becoming a better person! as each time you do this you enhanced the preparation for the next feeling of fear. -
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