Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Joke A Day - Funny everyday Jokes - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Miscellaneous Jokes :: #19174
By Anonymous from USA.

Mo attends to a revival and listens to the sermon. After a while, the pastor asks anyone with needs to come forward and be prayed over. Mo gets in line and, when it's his turn the pastor asks, "Mo, what do you want me to pray about?" Mo says, "Pastor, I need you to pray for my hearing." So the pastor puts one finger in Mo's ear and the other hand on top of his head and prays for a while. He removes his hands and says, "Mo how's your hearing now?" Mo says, "I don't know pastor, it's not until next Monday.

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The Tip of The Day from
Miscellaneous :: #1666
By Anonymous from USA.

Do it now
Make "someday" happen today.

Use the good china tonight,

Wear the good jacket to the market and

your good cologne every day. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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