Wednesday, April 17, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Bar & Drinking Jokes :: #6521
By Christine from Ohio USA.

There was this woman sitting at a bar and all the guys were looking at her, but finally one had the balls to come up and talk to her. This redneck guy comes up to her and says to her "Ma'am I just like to tell you that you are going home with me tonight." She tells him " I will if you can make a rhyme that is better than mine." Then she starts to recite her rhyme "I sent my Pussy out to sea, can you bring it back to me?" The guy looks at her stunned like. He walks away with shame. Then after a while there is this Cowboy that walks in to the bar and the first thing he does is tell the woman that he would like to take her home with him. She says " I will go home with you under one condition." Curious the man asks what it is. She tells him that she will go home with him if he can make a better rhyme than hers. She recites her verse. "I sent my pussy out to sea, can you bring it back to me." After a long time of processing the rhyme he tips his hat and proceeds to out rhyme her. He says, " With this hat I'll make a boat. With my balls I'll make it float. With my dick I'll make an Oar and Row your pussy back to shore."

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The Tip of The Day from
Famous Quote :: #187
By John Baer from Seattle USA.

Freedom of Speech
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the

freedom of thought which they seldom use.

--Kierkegaard -
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