Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Joke A Day - Funny everyday Jokes

aJokeADay.com - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Miscellaneous Jokes :: #23417
By Jorge Garcia-Maneiro from Milano Italy

A very well-known international furniture and interior decoration D.I.Y. Store recently set up a customer assistance department. The first call they got was from a lady who had purchased a wardrobe early in the morning. She explained that after assembly the wardrobe had crumbled three times when the public transport bus passed in front of her house. The store sent a technician over to her place. He reassembled the wardrobe - which was in the night hall on the second floor - and then went into it to observe what would happen when the bus, which was due a few minutes later, went by. The phone rang just then and the lady went downstairs to take the call. Just then her husband came home from work with a terrible flue condition. Hearing his wife on the phone he trudged upstairs where he found the wardrobe; on opening one of the doors and seeing the man inside he exclaimed "What the dickens are you doing in there!?!" To which the guy replied "I know you'll never believe this, but I'm waiting for the bus!!"

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The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com
Legal, Taxes & Wills :: #6081
By Gary from Burlington, IA USA.

How to cut some Estate taxes
Both spouses put their property into A Bypass or credit shelter trust (AB trust). When one spouse dies, let's say the husband, his half of the property goes to the beneficiary named in the trust, often grown children. A condition is that the wife can use that property for life, including any income it creates. When she dies, that part of the property goes directly to the children without being taxed in her estate. That means the wife's taxable estate is half of what it would have been if she had inherited directly from her husband.

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