Monday, July 8, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Miscellaneous Jokes :: #12383
By lin clement from chattanooga USA.

A little boy wakes up one night and walks into his parent's bedroom while they're making love; the mother rises up in surprise and says "Oh honey you go back to bed now." And the little boy says "but I want to sleep with you tonight." The mother says, "No honey not tonight, you know that little brother or little sister you've always wanted?" The little boy say's "Yeah" The mother replies "well your daddy and I are making that for you and it'll be here in about 9 months, so you go back to bed now." The little boys say, "Oh Boy, O.K. I'll go back to bed. So the next day the father pulls up into the driveway and sees the little boy sitting on the front porch just balling his eyes out. The father jumps out of the car and runs over to the little boy and asks, "What in the world is the matter son?" The little boy replies with sniffles and tears streaming down his face "Daddy you know that little brother or sister you and mommy were making for me last night?' The father replies "Yes son" The son screams "Well The Milkman Came and Ate It Up This Morning!!!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Words of Knowledge :: #1094
By ladybird from Amsterdam Netherlands, The

The Game of Life
The cards you hold in the game of life mean very little, it's the way you play them that counts. -
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