Saturday, July 27, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Idiots :: #18719
By from Unknown

Two fellows are sitting in the waiting room. One is a smart fellow and the other is an idiot.

The smart fellow is called first. He goes and sits on the chair.

He is asked three questions.

1."Are you mentally challenged?"

He replies - "No, I don't think so."

2."Who is the president of the USA?"

He says - "George Bush Junior."

3."What kind of job can we expect from you?"

He is trained for this question - "The finest in the country, sir."

The interviewer is very impressed. He puts this fellow down as an immediate reference. He then calls in the next fellow, the idiot.

Outside the smart fellow and the idiot meet. The idiot, as usual, does not want to think. He asks the smart fellow, "Please tell me all the answers." The smart fellow does so, in proper order and goes away. The idiot enters the interview room. The interviewer, seeing the fellow, gets to know that he is an idiot and so he pulls out an easier set of questions. And so it goes -

1."Do you have parents?"

As he was told, he replies - "No, I don't think so."

2."That is not possible. You must at least have a father. What is his name?"

He replies - "George Bush Junior."

The interviewer, rather flustered, looks up from the questionnaire and asks the idiot, "What kind of an idiot can you possibly be?"

So comes the reply - "The finest in the country, sir."

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The Tip of The Day from
Education :: #4535
By Illusen from Singapore

Genius and Idiot
It is only a line of difference between a genius and an idiot. So why make yourself cross the line to become an idiot when everyone is trying to cross the line to become a genius. Why make yourself cross the line to idiot just by being proud and arrogant when you worked your entire life to be a genius? -
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