Tuesday, July 16, 2013

SpicyJokes.com - Funny Everyday jokes

SpicyJokes.com - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Blonde Jokes :: #14317
By Anonymous from USA.

This guy is sitting outside on his lawn when he sees his blonde neighbor walk outside and check her mailbox. With a confused look on her face, she walks back inside. Five minutes later, the blonde walks outside again to check her mailbox. Seeing that there is nothing in it, she walks back inside her house. Another five minutes later, the blonde comes back outside to check her mailbox. After watching the blonde check her mailbox 3 times in a row, the guy is pretty curious. When she starts to walk back inside again, he asks, "What are you doing?"

She says, "My computer keeps telling me that I've got mail."

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The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com
Stress Control :: #2163
By Junad Alom from United Kingdom

25 Ways to Combat Stress
Do yourself a favor. Practice any or all of these stress busters.

They can mean the difference between good health and bad.

1. Laugh

2. Socialize

3. Get rid of Anger

4. Be Decisive

5. Be Assertive

6. Get Some Sleep

7. Adapt your Environment

8. Encourage Yourself

9. Choose Winners

10.Reward Yourself

11.Establish Rituals

12.Nurture your Spirituality

13.Take Note

14.Play Around

15.Slow Down

16.Take Holidays

17.Take up a hobby


19.Be in control of your finances

20.Do not Procrastinate

21.Live by lists

22.Eat Right



25.Take your time

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