Wednesday, March 17, 2010



A traveling salesman went down to the hotel restaurant for breakfast on
the second morning of his latest business trip. After being seated by
the hostess, he waved off the menu, apparently quite sure of what he
hungered for that morning. After all, this was to be a fateful day, as
he was close to "clinching the deal" and wanted to head into his
client's office with confidence, exuberance, and enthusiasm.

He was full of self-assuredness and greeted the young waitress with a
great big smile. "I'll have 2 eggs, please. But I want one of them just
about room temperature and the other can be warm but must be runny." The
waitress was getting all this down but was wondering where this was

"Toast... it doesn't matter what kind, just make sure that it gets cold
so that the butter will just sit on it and not melt. Water down my
orange juice, too, please... let's say half water and half juice. It
really doesn't matter whether you bring any coffee. I usually like 2 or
3 cups in the morning. One won't do so you might as well skip it

"But, sir," said the waitress, confused, "I don't think our kitchen can
put this together the way you like it!"

"Oh, I don't like it that way, but it shouldn't be a problem. That's
exactly how you served it yesterday!"

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