Friday, October 8, 2010

A Joke A Day - Funny everyday Jokes - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Entertainment Jokes :: #17018
By Anonymous from USA.

A city slicker moves to the country and decides he's going to take up farming.

He heads to the local co-op and tells the man, "Give me a hundred baby chickens."

The co-op man complies. A week later the man returns and says, "Give me two hundred baby chickens." The co-op man complies.

Again, a week later the man returns. This time he says, "Give me five-hundred baby chickens." "Wow! The co-op man replies "You must really be doing well!"

"Naw," said the man with a sigh. "I'm either planting them too deep or too far apart!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Home Life :: #6102
By Mak Wilband from USA.

ZIP LOCK BAG - Good tip!
We went with friends to Sweety Pies on Sunday for breakfast and sat in the patio section beside the house. We happened to notice zip lock baggies pinned to a post and a wall. The bags were half filled with water, each contained 4 pennies, and they were zipped shut. Naturally we were curious! Ms. Sweety told us that these baggies kept the flies away! So naturally we were even more curious! We actually watched some flies come in the open window, stand around on the window sill, and then fly out again. And there were no flies in the eating area! This morning I checked this out on Google. Below, a comment on this fly control idea. I'm now a believer!

DJ Says:

Regarding the science behind zip log bags of water? My research found that the millions of molecules of water present its own prism effect and given that flies have a lot of eyes, to them it's like a zillion disco balls reflecting light, colors and movement in a dizzying manner. When you figure that flies are prey for many other bugs, animals, birds, etc., they simply won't take the risk of being around that much perceived action. I moved to a rural area and thought these "hillbillies" were just yanking my city boy chain but I tried it and it worked immediately! We went from hundreds of flies to seeing the occasional one, but he didn't hang around long. -
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