Friday, November 19, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Elderly Jokes :: #1267
By Laura Poss from Oriental NC USA.

There were three sisters aged 93, 95, And 99. They all lived together in one big house.

The 99 year old decided to go upstairs and take a bath, but by the time she got the water run and got her clothes off she couldn't remember whether she was getting in the tub or just got out.

She called down to her 95 year old sister to come help her figure it out. But then by the time that sister got halfway up the stairs she couldn't remember if she was going up or going down.

The 93 year old sister had been watching and she said, "I hope I never get like you two!" And she knocked on wood.

The 95 year old said "Fine then! You come help us figure this out!"

"I will!", The 93 year old said, "Jut as soon as I see who's knocking at the door!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Fitness :: #13
By Kate from Chicago USA.

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A recent study showed that a consistent weight training program may help lower blood pressure. A group of men and women who participated in a strength-training program for six months noticed a decrease in their resting diastolic blood pressure readings. -
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