Saturday, November 27, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Sick Jokes :: #3735
By Sky Monkey Warrior from Cascade Iowa USA.

One day a young paratrooper came to visit his father after he had completed training to become a paratrooper and began discussing his training. The young man told his father that training began with us jumping off platforms, each day they got higher and higher until the day came that we got to jump out of a real airplane. The drill sergeant asked for volunteers to go first. The father asked, "Did you volunteer to go?" The young man said "Oh no, I was too scared" Then the father said " what did the drill sergeant do with the people that didn't jump out" "Well" the young man said "the drill sergeant told us that if we didn't jump out he was going to throw us out" The father asked "did he throw you out?" The young man said "Oh no, I held on to the side of that door for dear life I wouldn't let him throw me out for nothing." Then the father asked, "well, then what did the drill sergeant do?" He replied, " The drill sergeant told me that if I didn't jump out he was going to shove his dick up my ass" His dad asked, "Well did you jump?" The young man replied "Well YEAH, a little at first.

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The Tip of The Day from
Famous Quote :: #4739
By Luke Moran from Memphis USA.

False Idols
"Idolatry is committed not merely by setting up false gods, but also by setting up false devils."

---G.K. Chesterton--- -
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