Monday, November 22, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Salespeople :: #11
By Daniel Deveraux from USA.

An enthusiastic door-to-door vacuum salesman goes to the first house in his new territory. He knocks, a real mean and tough looking lady opens the door, and before she has a chance to say anything, he runs inside and dumps cow patties all over the carpet.

He says, "Lady, if this vacuum cleaner don't do wonders cleaning this up, I'll eat every chunk of it."

She turns to him with a smirk and says, "You want ketchup on that?"

The salesman says, "Why do you ask?"

She says, "We just moved in and we haven't got the electricity turned on yet."

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The Tip of The Day from
Famous Quote :: #186
By Jane Roberts from Kansas City USA.

Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to

do something and when you decide how to respond.

--Dr. Jeffrey Borenstein -
4179 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60641

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