Friday, December 3, 2010

50 Ways to Get of a Blind Date

50 Ways to Get of a Blind Date

1. Pull out a harmonica and play blues songs when your date begins
talking about himself/herself.

2. When ordering, inquire whether the restaurant has any lbecalmed ive

3. Without asking, eat off of your date's plate. Eat more from their
plate than they do.

4. Chew with your mouth open, talk with your mouth full, and spray
crumbs. If a crumb lands anywhere near your date, pick up the crumb, put
it in your mouth and say, "I'm all about conservation."

5. Eat everything on your plate within 30 seconds of it being placed
in front of you.

6. Excuse yourself to use the restroom. Go back to the head
waiter/hostess and ask for another table in a different part of the
restaurant. Order another meal. When your date finally finds you, ask
them "What took you so long in the bathroom?"

7. Recite graphic limericks to the people at the table next to you.

8. Ask the people at neighboring tables for food from their plates.

9. Beg your date to tattoo your name on their derriere. Keep bringing
the subject up periodically throughout the meal.

10. Order a bucket of lard.

11. Ask for crayons to color the placemat. You'll need to be extra
persuasive in fancier resturants with linen tablecloths.

12. Howl and whistle at women's legs, especially if you are female.

13. Recite your dating history. Improvise. Include pets and relatives.

14. Upon entering the restaurant, ask for a seat away from the windows,
with a good view of all exits, and where your back will be facing a
wall. Act nervous.

15. Lick your plate. Offer to lick your date's.

16. Hum. Loudly. In monotone.

17. Stare at your date's neck and grind your teeth audibly.

18. Twitch spastically. If asked about it, pretend you don't know what
they are talking about.

19. Drool. Fart. Drool

20. Stand up every five minutes, circle your table with your arms
outstretched, and make airplane sounds.

21. Sacrifice french fries to a Pagon god.

22. Discretely fill your pockets with sugar packets, napkins, salt
shakers, silverware, floral arrangements, etc...

23. Hold a debate. Take both sides.

24. Undress your date verbally.

25. Attempt to auction your date off to people nearby.

26. After getting your food slide under the table. Take your plate with

27. Order a baked potato. When the waiter brings your food, hide the
potato, wait a few minutes, and ask the waiter for the potato you "never
got". When the waiter returns with another potato, have the first one
back on your plate.

28. Order beef tongue. Make lewd comparisons or comments about it.

29. Get your date drunk. Talk about their philosophy and tape the
conversation. Later use good judgment in editing to twist their words

30. Discuss boils and lesions, as if from personal experience.

31. Occasionally speak in Pig Latin throughout the meal.

32. Take a break, and go into the restroom. When you return to the
table, throw a spare pair of underwear on the back of one of the chairs.
Tell your date, "They need to air out."

33. Order for your date. Order more food then he/she can possible eat.
Tell them they "must eat it all or suffer the consequences."

34. If they are paying, order the most expensive thing on the menu.
Take one bite, pretend like the food is disgusting and say, "Man, did
you get ripped off!"

35. Bring twenty candles with you to the restaurant. During the meal
get up and arrange them around the table in a circle. Chant.

36. Save the bones from your meal, and explain that you're taking them
home to your invalid, senile old mother, because it's a lot cheaper than
actually feeding her.

37. Ask your date how much money they have with them.

38. Refuse to speak to your date. Request that they mime the
conversation instead.

39. During dinner guard your plate with your fork and steak knife. Give
the impression that you'll stab anyone, including the waiter, reaching
for it.

40. Collect all of the salt shakers from tables surrounding yours. Use
them to build a tower on your table.

41. Wipe your nose on your date's sleeve. Twice.

42. Make funny faces at other patrons, then sneer at their reactions.

43. Repeat every third third word you say say.

44. Proudly explain to your date that you were voted "Most Festerous"
in your high school yearbook. Give examples of why it was appropriate.

45. Read a newspaper, book or listen to a book on tape during the meal.

46. Order your food by colors and textures. Sculpt.

47. Insist that the waiter cut your food into little pieces.

48. Insist that the waiter take one bite from everything served to you.
Explain that you need to make sure no one has poisoned your food.

49. Accuse your date of espionage. Pretend you have a secret microphone
hidden on your body and you are talking the CIA.

50. Don't use any verbs during the entire meal.

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