Thursday, August 15, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Bar & Drinking Jokes :: #12513
By ragbear from Cayman Islands

This long-time unemployed piano player walking down the street sees a sign in a nightclub window "Musician Wanted." He goes in and applies. The club owner asks him to play something, so he does. When the song is over, the club owner tearfully says, "That's the most beautiful piece I have ever heard. What's it called?" The piano player says, "I call it... 'Your sister was a slut in the Navy'... I wrote it myself. Club guy says, "Unusual title. Do you have others?" He plays another with the same heart-rending tearful results. "What's that one called?" "I call it... Your mom was a companion of many soldiers... I wrote it myself" Club guy, "Real odd titles. I'll hire you to play songs like that but just don't tell people the titles."

Piano guy goes home, goes in the attic, digs out his old tux... it's a bit tight due to his weight gain over the last few years so he dresses without underwear. He goes to work that night and, as he sits at the piano, the crotch tears out of his tight-fitting tux pants. Without underwear his "privates" are hanging out the opening. Oh well, he starts playing anyway. Soon after his show has begun, a woman comes up and asks, "Do you know your hairy balls are showing?"

Piano guy says, "Know it? I wrote it!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Sports and Recreation :: #899
By Tom from Independence USA.

Making a smoother stroke when you putt
When you putt the ball, your stroke should look much like the pendulum of a clock swinging back and forth. You can learn this stroke in your own home by following these easy steps. 1. Lay a quarter on the floor. 2. Take a piece of string 12 inches long and lay it on the floor on the line of your putter stroke. 3. Address the quarter with your putter just like you were going to putt. 4. Working with a range of 6 inches back and 6 inches forward, swing your putting back and forward very slowly along with string.

Practice this continuous motion keeping the putting line straight. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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