Sunday, August 25, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Political Jokes :: #14
By Dimitri Dean from USA.

It was election time and a politician decided to go out to the local reservation and try to get the Native American vote. They were all assembled in the Council Hall to hear the speech. The politician had worked up to his finale, and the crowd was getting more and more excited. "I promise better education opportunities for Native Americans!"

The crowd went wild, shouting "Hoya! Hoya!" The politician was a bit puzzled by the native word, but was encouraged by their enthusiasm. "I promise gambling reforms to allow a Casino on the Reservation!"

"Hoya! Hoya!" cried the crowd, stomping their feet.

"I promise more social reforms and job opportunities for Native Americans!" The crowd reached a frenzied pitch shouting "Hoya! Hoya! Hoya!"

After the speech, the Politician was touring the Reservation, and saw a tremendous herd of cattle. Since he was raised on a ranch, and knew a bit about cattle, he asked the Chief if he could get closer to take a look at the cattle.

"Sure," the Chief said, "but be careful not to step in the hoya."

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The Tip of The Day from
Childcare :: #169
By Ellen Prack from New Havana USA.

Yes Mommy
An effective tool when working with young children is that every time you give a direction have the child respond with "Yes, Mom" or "Yes, Dad". You teach them this method by giving your direction, without changing the inflection in your voice, when adding on the "Yes, ___" part. For example, "Sebastian, pick up your toys, say yes, Mom." This action puts the child in a positive frame of mind, moving the child away from the oppositional part of the brain (limbic system). -
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