Friday, August 16, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Little Johnny Jokes :: #2247
By David from ohio USA.

One day little Johnny went to school. His teacher said they were going to play a game. She would place an object behind her and describe it. The first person to get it got a piece of candy. First she said, "The object is red and grows on trees." A kid raised his hand and said "an apple" the teacher said correct. Then she said, "The object is flat and comes in different colors" a different kid raises his hand and said it is a notebook! The teacher said correct. Then Johnny said, "ooh! ooh! Can I try?" The teacher said yes. He stood up and put his hand in his pocket. He said "The object is round, hard, and has a head on it." The teacher said "JOHNNY! GO TO THE OFFICE!!" Johnny said, "No it's a quarter!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Self-Improvement :: #5410
By Rachelle Disbennett-Lee, PhD from Aurora USA.

The One Common Denominator
If you are searching for the common denominator in your life, you are in luck. You are it. Now that you know you are the only consistent factor in any situation, you can begin to figure out how you are contributing to your recurring challenges and problems. This is great news because, once you realize you are at least part of the problem, you can begin to change your behavior, beliefs and attitudes that are contributing to the situation. Keep in mind that you have to concern yourself only with you, not with anyone else. You are the only one you can change. So don't focus outside yourself. Focus on the common denominator. You will be amazed at the difference this process will make in your life. -
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