Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Small Town Bar

Small Town Bar

So this guy walks into a bar. As he's sitting there drinking his beer,
someone stands up and shouts, "27!" and the entire bar bursts into
hysterical laughter. A few moments later someone else stands up and
yells, "16!" Once again, the entire bar bursts into fits of laughter.

Soon, a third man stands up and shouts, "6!" Again, everyone in the bar
laughs. The completely confused stranger, walks up to the bartender and
asks what all the laughing is about.

The bartender replies, "See, we're such a small town that everyone
knows everyone and all of their jokes. So to make life easier we
cataloged all of our jokes. Now instead of telling the whole joke, we
just shout out it's number and everyone knows what joke it is and we

The stranger nods in agreement and sits down. After a few more people
stand up and shout numbers, the man decides he wants to join in. He
stands up and shouts, "17!"

Nobody laughs. The bartender shakes his head and says, "Man, you just
didn't tell it right!"

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