Thursday, June 17, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Miscellaneous Jokes :: #22600
By Anonymous from USA.

The beautiful woman had just stepped out of the bathtub in her hotel suite and was about to reach for a towel when she caught sight of a window washer taking in all of her charms. Too stunned to move, she stood staring at the man. "Whatcha lookin' at, lady?" he finally asked. "Ain'tcha never seen a window washer before?"

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The Tip of The Day from
Health :: #5923
By Anonymous from USA.

Women and Alcohol Abuse
Know the risks

Men have typically had more problems with alcohol abuse and dependence than have women. But, unfortunately, women are catching up. According to recent studies, younger women are closing the gender gap, developing higher rates of alcohol problem than those of their older female counterparts.

That's bad news, given that women are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol abuse than are men. Research shows that women with alcohol problems face more severe health-related consequences and possibly more years of life lost than do their male counterparts.

In addition, the progression from social drinker to alcoholic seems to be shorter for women than for men. Brain damage, liver and heart disease related to alcohol abuse tend to happen more quickly, too. In one large study, women who had more than two drinks a day were at significantly increased risk of heart disease. (One drink is defined as 12oz. of beer, 5oz. of wine or one cocktail with 1.5oz. of 80-proof liquor.)

One research suggests that there is an increased risk of breast cancer in women who use alcohol routinely. Researchers have also found that heavy drinking increased women's risk of death by 160 percent compared with light drinking. In men, the increased risk of death was 40 percent.

Note: If you are woman who likes to have an occasional drink, play it safe. Limit your alcohol consumption to one drink, or fewer, a day. High-risk drinking includes more than two drinks on any single day or more than seven drinks in one week.

Women's Health,

- Mayo Clinic - -
4179 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60641

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