Wednesday, August 22, 2012 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Gender Slam :: #4750
By amanda from farmington hills Michigan USA.

Three men were fishing and one man says, "I think I caught something" so he reels it in. it was a magic lamp. A genie popped out of it and said "I'll grant you 3 wishes one each" the first guy said 'I want to be 2 times as smart as I am now' so the genie snapped his fingers and he started saying all this shakes beer stuff that he's never heard before. The second guy says 'alright, I want to be 3 times as smart as I am now.' so the genie snaps his fingers and he starts saying all this world war two stuff that he's never heard before. Then the third guy says "I want to be ten times as smart as I am now" the genie says 'no you don't' the guy says 'yeah, I do' the genie gives in and snaps his fingers an turns him into a girl.

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The Tip of The Day from
Childcare :: #4798
By Anonymous from USA.

How to give your child positive feedback
Done correctly, positive feedback motivates, nurtures independence, boost self-esteem and helps set reasonable expectations for your child.

That's why it's important to praise children of all ages. However, the way to offer praise should differ depending on the child's age. While it's OK to high-five your 2-year-old when she puts her socks on for the first time, you don't want to cheer on your 9-year-old for dressing himself.

For toddlers, positive feedback should take the form of praise for good behavior and new accomplishments. As they grow older, praise the efforts and progress they make toward


No matter what your child's age, offer positive feedback with these tips.

· Be sincere. Even young childe know when you are not being genuine. Instead of telling your 5-year-old, "You are the best baseball player ever!" say, "Great catch!"

· Be specific. Instead of saying, "You were good today," single out their accomplishments. Use phrases like, "Good job cleaning your room without being asked."

· Praise kindness as well as accomplishments. Thank children for sharing or for comforting a hurt friend.

· Pass the word. Let children hear you talking to others about their accomplishments.

· Encourage the effort. Offer positive feedback for trying, even when your child fails. When your 12-year-old practices a new skateboard trick, say, "You're almost there! I can tell you've been practicing!" Sometimes a "Yeah!" or a high-five is all that's needed.

· Counter negativity. When children become discouraged, remind them of their strengths and accomplishments.

Actions speak louder than words, so take the time to talk and play with your children. Use your time together to reinforce their strengths and encourage areas of improvement.

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