Saturday, June 1, 2013

A Joke A Day - Funny everyday Jokes - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Holiday Jokes :: #20588
By ashley hernandez-king from glendale california USA.

Q: What did the doctor say to the ghost?

A: I have a boo boo

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The Tip of The Day from
Security :: #1341
By Joe Bihlmaier from Eustis USA.

Protecting yourself from an attack.
One of the best ways of protecting yourself from attack is to avoid things that may provoke it. Stay out of unfamiliar areas, dress appropriately, avoid walking in unlit areas, and don't display valuables. Sometimes this however is unavoidable. Here are some steps that may be taken:

1. Take a self-defense class be it a paid one or free one offered by law enforcement.

2. Understand self defense equipment and its use. Pepper spray and stun guns are good products if used correctly. Although a set of keys or a kubaton may be a better choice both are hard to get away from you by your assailant. The kubaton is pointy object that won't pierce the skin but is small and handheld. It will inflict a lot of pain and deter an attack.

3. Another good choice is a personal alarm that you carry and can be set off. It produces a loud alarm to scare an attacker and alert others of your trouble. There also are models for you and your child that will alert you when your child gets out of range from you. These are usually adjustable for a 6 to 30 foot area. Especially helpful in store and mall settings.

4. Remember most cell phones have a speed dial setting for 911. -
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