Saturday, June 29, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Sex Jokes :: #5330
By Gary Samouris from Dallas TX USA.

The missionary is teaching the native chief English. As they walk through the jungle he points out various things and tells the chief its name in English... "VINE" umm... vine, repeats the chief.... "BUSH" says the missionary... bush echoes the chief.... "TREE" says the missionary.... tree says the chief... As they penetrate the dense jungle, they pull back the vines and there in a clearing, is a man and woman making love... The missionary is at a loss for words... How can he explain this to the chief? Finally he turns to the native and says..."MAN ON SLED"... The chief raises his spear and throws it at the couple... The spear strikes the man in the side and he rolls off the woman... dead! The missionary is shocked and appalled! "Why did you do that?" he cried.......... "Man on MY sled" said the chief!

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The Tip of The Day from
Business :: #2290
By Junad Alom from United Kingdom

Help your colleagues
If you believe that you have finished your job, and you have time to spare, then use your time to help your colleagues who might have a heavy workload put on them. Even if it is not part of your job, helping others to get their work done not only helps to finish quick but also it influences that person to help you when you are in a busy period. -
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