Thursday, February 25, 2010



An elderly man was walking through the French countryside, admiring the
beautiful spring day, when over a hedgerow he spotted a young couple
making love in a field. Getting over his initial shock he said to
himself, "Ah, young love... ze spring time, ze air, ze flowers... C'est
magnifique!", and continued to watch, remembering the good old day's
that he'd once enjoyed.

Suddenly he gasped and said, "Mais... Sacre bleu! Ze woman she is
dead!" before heading off as fast as he could to the town to tell Jean,
the police chief.

He arrived at the Police Station, out of breath, and shouted,
"Jean...Jean...zere is zis man, zis woman ... naked in farmer Gaston's
field making love."

The police chief smiled and said, "Come, come, Henri you are not so
old, remember ze young love, ze spring time, ze air, ze flowers?
Ah,L'amour! Zis is OK."

"Mais non! You do not understand, ze woman, she is dead!"

Upon hearing this, Jean, leapt up from his seat, rushed out of the
station, jumped on his push-bike, pedaled down to the field, confirmed
Henri's story, and pedaled all the way back to call the doctor. He
picked up the telephone and screamed, "Pierre, Pierre! This is Jean, I
was in Gaston's field, zere is a young couple naked having sex!"

To which Pierre replied, "Jean, I am a man of science. You must
remember... it's spring, ze air, ze flowers, Ah, L'amour! Zis is very

Jean, still out of breath, grasped in reply, "NON, you do not
understand, ze woman, she is dead!"

Hearing this, Pierre exclaimed, "Mon dieu!" grabbed his black medicine
bag, stuffed in his thermometer, stethoscope, and other tools, jumped in
his car, and drove like a madman down to Gaston's field. After carefully
examining the participants he drove calmly back to Henri and Jean, who
were waiting at the station.

When he got there, went inside, smiled patiently, and said, "Ah, mes
amis, do not worry. Ze woman, she is not dead, she is British!"

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