Tuesday, February 16, 2010

SpicyJokes.com - Funny Everyday jokes

SpicyJokes.com - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Farmer Jokes :: #2370
By Phil Linder from Torquay Devonshire United Kingdom

Two farmers walking through a field; one stoop down and dips his finger in some cow dung and rubs it across his lips. The second farmer asks him why he did such a disgusting thing. The first one replies, 'I have chapped lips!'. The second one asks him, 'does it make them better?' He replies,' No! But it stops you from licking them!'

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The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com
Sports and Recreation :: #791
By Peter Prestipino from Chicago USA.

10 tips for Better Bunker Play
Here are some things to keep in mind to better your bunker play:

1) Keep an open stance

2) Ball should be positioned ahead of center of lead foot

3) Feet dug into sand to anchor; toes are deeper than heels

4) Choke down on grip to adjust for buried feet

5) Take grip with clubface open

6) Swing club back to a position that has the lead arm parallel with the ground with the wrists fully cocked

7) Hit 2 inches behind the ball

8) Accelerate through the shot

9) Practice is critical

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