Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Paddy Englishman, Paddy Scotsman and Paddy Irishman, go out to dinner
one night with there wives. There all sitting around the table chatting
and laughing when Paddy Englishman drops his fork, so he bends down to
pick up his fork when he looks up his wife's skirt and sees that she's
wearing no knickers, he gets up and whispers too her in an angry tone,
"what are you trying to do?, you wearing no knickers for god's sake!!!",
and she reply's well you never give me any money so I can buy some", so
Paddy Englishman pulls out a tenner and gives it to her saying "Well buy
yourself some knickers for god sake!!"

So they carry on with there dinner, when Paddy Scotsman drops his fork,
and again bends over to pick it up and looks up his wife's skirt and
see's she is also wearing no knickers, Paddy Scotsman gets up and says
to her "For god sake women.. what are you trying to do??? Your wearing
no knickers.!!", and again the reply is "well you never give me any
money to buy some", so Paddy Scotsman digs into his pocket and pulls out
a tenner and gives it to her, "Well buy some knickers for god sake"..

And again they proceed with dinner, when Paddy Irishman drops his fork,
and he bends over to pick it up and looks up his wife's skirt and see's
she is wearing no knickers. Paddy jumps up in a fit of rage.. and shouts
KNICKERS!!!!", his wife replies "Well you never gimme any money to buy
some"... Paddy digs into his pocket and pulls out a Comb and says "Well
Tidy yourself up for God's sake!"

;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
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