Tuesday, February 23, 2010

One Friday Morning

One Friday Morning

A teacher came up with a novel way to motivate her class. She told them
that she would read a quote and the first student to correctly identify
who said it would receive the rest of the day off.

She started with "This was England's finest hour."

Little Suzy instantly jumped up and said, "Winston Churchill."

"Congratulations!" Said the teacher, "You may go home."

The teacher then said, "Ask not what your country can do for you."
Before she could finish this quote, another young lady belts out,

"John F.Kennedy".

"Very good," says the teacher, "you may go."

Irritated that he has missed two golden opportunities, Little Johnny
said, "I wish those girls would just shut up."

Upon overhearing this comment, the outraged teacher demanded to know
who said it.

Johnny instantly rose to his feet and said, "Bill Clinton. I'll see you

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