Thursday, February 25, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Marriage Jokes :: #22325
By from Unknown

The wife receives a fax from her husband one day stating the following: "Dear wife. Since you are already 44 now, you cannot satisfy me completely anymore. So I am sending you this fax to tell you that I am at the Hotel Rivera with my 18 year old secretary and girlfriend now and will be back later on tonight, before 12am definitely."

As the husband arrives back home, just before 12am he finds a note from his wife.

"Dear husband. I thank you for your letter and your consideration in letting me know. But I do have to remind you, that you yourself are also 44 years of age. Therefore you also cannot satisfy me completely anymore. Therefore I am at the Beachfront Hotel now, with my boyfriend and Tennis instructor, who is also 18. But I won't be back before the morning, because - as I would like to remind you - 18 go more times into 44 than 44 into 18!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Home Life :: #1856
By LaShawn from Chicago USA.

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