Friday, January 18, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Miscellaneous Jokes :: #4662
By Nola Barrett from Bentonville Arkansas USA.

There was a huge wreck on the freeway early one morning. Three women were killed and went to the Pearly Gates. St. Peter met them there and told each of them to be very careful to not step on a duck. They were everywhere! He told them they would be punished accordingly. Well Lady #1 step on a duck within the first 30 minutes. So St. Peter came walking toward her with the most ugly man she had ever seen in her life and He handcuffed him to her for eternity. Lady #2 was a little more careful and it took her until the next day before she stepped on one, but the same happened to her, she was handcuffed to the ugliest and most repulsive man she had ever seen. Lady #3 was hoping to be so careful not to step on any since she had seen what had happened to the other two. Four weeks later she saw St. Peter walking her way with the most handsome and sexiest man she had ever seen. And they were handcuffed together for eternity, She looked at him and smiled " well I don't know what I have done to deserve such luck" He said to her I don't know about you but I stepped on 2 ducks.

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The Tip of The Day from
Health :: #160
By Courtney Hatfield from Louisville USA.

Bunch O' Honey
Honey just might be the pre-exercise energy source. Honey has been found as a better pre-exercise carbohydrate than other sweet treats used to energize, such as candy and soft drinks. Studies show that eating as little as 3 tablespoons of honey an hour before you workout can keep you from losing steam during your workout. Honey seems to give you more energy flow than other sugars do. -
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