Wednesday, January 9, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Sex Jokes :: #4048

A man goes to see the doctor to ask for three Viagra pills. The doctor says these are very powerful pills so I need to know why you need three. Well, the guy says my girlfriend is coming over Friday, my ex-wife on Saturday, and my new-wife is coming home on Saturday and I need these pills so I can satisfied them all. Well the doctor said ok on one condition, that you come in on Monday so I can check your vitals to make sure you are ok. The man agrees. So Monday comes and the man sees the doctor, but both arms are in slings. Oh my! What happened? The doctor asked. The man replied nobody showed up I was alone all weekend!

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The Tip of The Day from
Travel :: #108
By Linda Schmidt from Copenhagen Denmark

Budget Traveling in Europe
When traveling around Europe with the Eurorail pass, remember traveling at night can save you the expense of a hotel room. Many trains traveling at night also have a car that has beds for this specific reason. Buying a ticket for the sleeper car is alot less expensive than a hostel or a hotel room. Plus, when you wake up you will be in a new city or country not having wasted a day. -
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