Monday, January 21, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Marriage Jokes :: #1208
By George Trevino from San Antonio TX USA.

A man stumbles home drunk late one night. His wife suspicious begins to inspect him and finds a red hair on his shirt, and says, "I see you are having an affair with a red head." The man says; "Oh no, honey." Next weekend, after nursing a black eye, the same thing happens except that the wife finds a blonde hair on his jacket.

This time she says; "I see you are having an affair with a blonde woman."

The man again says; "Oh no, honey." Next weekend, after nursing a busted lip, the man decides not to cheat on his wife and goes straight home. Well the wife begins to inspect him but finds nothing. Not a single hair. So now she says; "Oh, now you're banging a bald woman."

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The Tip of The Day from
Meditation :: #776
By Surinder, Moore from Texas USA.

The mystery of death
Death is something that can't be explained. We are each owed a death, at

which time it will come or where is a mystery. Live each day as if it were

your last. Make amends with those you crossed or who crossed you. Tell

that special one in your life that you love them. Smile at passers by.

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