Monday, January 28, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Kids & Family Jokes :: #4045
By Viking41284 from Glasgow United Kingdom

One fine day at school, the teacher was teaching all the students about the heart. After she had finished she said, "If any one has any doubts about what I have taught please ask". A boy stands up and asks," Teacher, does the heart have legs"? She replies, "no it doesn't. What makes you ask such a question"? He replies, "Last night when I went into my parents bedroom I over heard my dad saying SWEET HEART spread your LEGS

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The Tip of The Day from
Relationships :: #4123
By JWD from Gresham USA.

What we say and do
It can take only a second to get someone to dislike you by a cruel word or insulting action; whereas, it can take a lifetime to make a true friend and undo a wrong.

- JWD - -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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