Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Work Jokes :: #260
By Anonymous from USA.

Two weeks ago was my 44th birthday and I wasn't feeling too hot that morning. I went down to breakfast knowing my wife would be pleasant and say "Happy Birthday" and probably have a present for me. She didn't even say "Good Morning", let alone any "Happy Birthday." I thought, "Well, that's wives for you. The children will remember. "The children came down to breakfast and didn't say a word.

When I started to the office I was feeling pretty low and despondent. As I walked into my office, my secretary, Janet said, "Good Morning, Boss, Happy Birthday." I felt a little better. Someone had remembered. I worked until noon, then Janet knocked on my door and said, "You know it is such a beautiful day outside and it is your birthday, let's go to lunch, just you and me." I said, "By George, that's the greatest thing I've heard all day. Let's go.

We went to lunch. We didn't go where we normally go. We went out into the country to a little private place. We had two martinis and enjoyed lunch tremendously. On the way back to the office, she said, "You know, it is such a beautiful day, we don't need to go back to the office, do we?" I said, "No, I guess not." She said, "Let's go to my apartment."

After arriving at her apartment she said, "Boss, if you don't mind, I think I'll go into the bedroom and slip into something more comfortable. Sure," I excitedly replied. She went into the bedroom and, in about six minutes she came out carrying a big birthday cake, followed by my wife, children and dozens of our friends. They were all singing Happy Birthday.......and there I sat on the couch.......naked.

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The Tip of The Day from
Home Life :: #6011
By Michelle Welch from Sarnia, Ontario Canada

How To Prevent Hair Balls
All cat owners know how clean cats are with their continuous grooming with their tongues. While grooming themselves they often swallow a lot of their hairs leading to them throwing up hairballs. The easiest way I have found and it is safe to use on cats is to invest in some unscented petroleum jelly, dip your finger into the jar and just wipe a small amount on the cats nose. When they groomed themselves, the jelly gets into their tummies and coats the hairs in their tummy and passes through their digestive tracts out and into the litter box making it easier to clean up. -
4179 W Irving Park Rd, Chicago, IL 60641

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