Friday, May 14, 2010

A Joke A Day - Funny everyday Jokes - A Joke A Day
The Joke of The Day
Animal Jokes :: #19985
By El Cass from Hampton Va USA.

These bear hunters were sitting around the cabin the night before the hunt bragging about their pass hunts.

The cabin boy was listening and went over and said "you guys make it seam pretty hard on capturing a bear".

They all laughed and said "it is hard; do you think you could bag one"?

"I can go out and bag you 2 if you will skin them, and I will bet each of you $100.00.

They agreed and off he went out into the night.

Soon he spotted a big grizzly; he waved his arm and started hollering the big bear started after him and he started running for the shack. When he got close to the shack he started yelling. "Open the door he yelled".

They looked out and saw the bear chasing the boy. Just as he got to the door they opened it and he stepped aside and the bear went in. He slammed the door and locked it and shouted. "OK skin him I'll go and get the other one".

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The Tip of The Day from
Relationships :: #3779
By John W. Dillow from Gresham USA.

Beginning and end
We are all born into this world naked with nothing and when we die, we leave this world with only memories. Looking back on our lives, no one ever says: I wish I had spent more time at work or what a great time it was watching TV. It's the times that we were challenged the most, our achievements and the fun times with family and friends that we will remember. -
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