Saturday, May 29, 2010

Old Fashion Way

Old Fashion Way

There's a man named Jose that worked in the fields of a rural country
cutting down trees, and every afternoon his wife Maria used to bring him
his lunch.

Well, one afternoon Jose got horny and started screwing the shit out of
Maria, as they were doing it a bee flew by and stung her right next to
her nipple. Days went by and the swelling wouldn't go away, so Jose took
her to the doctor's.

The doctor took a look at it and said, "Well we're going to have to get
the puss out in order for her breast to heal, and the best way to do
that is to suck it out."

Jose looked at the doctor and said, "Isn't there another way?"

The doctor said, "Nope, the old-fashion way is the best way for this."

So of course he believed the doctor and went along with it, so the
doctor went off on Maria's tit, I mean he sucked the shit out of it, he
had her moaning and everything.

A week later Jose while taking a piss got stung right on the tip of his
dick so he went to the doctor. The doctor took a look at it and said,
"Holy shit, that things huge! I'll be right back, I'm going to go get a
shot that will make the puss come right out."

Jose looked at him and said, "NO, no, no, like you said the old fashion
way is the best way. Now start sucking!"

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