Saturday, October 19, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Sick Jokes :: #819
By elchingon from Las vegas NV USA.

One day lil red riding hood was walking through the forest when the wolf came out and said,"I'm gonna fuck your lil red socks off" Lil red riding hood,said,"No way" and kept on walking.After a while lil red riding hood took a small break from walking.The wolf said,"I'm gonna fuck your lil red socks off" Lil red Riding hood replied,"No you aint" and kept walking on the path. She finally reached her Grandmas House and steped inside. The wolf was waiting for her. The wolf stated,"I'm gonna fuck your lil red socks off". Lil red riding hood replied,"The hell you are,Your gonna eat me just like the story goes.

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The Tip of The Day from
Travel :: #761
By Alicia from Barrington USA.

Keep a low profile when touring
Planning to rent a car on your next vacation? Try not to advertise the fact that you are a tourist, which could make you an attractive prey to thieves.

1. Always insist in local plates when you rent a car,

2. Request a model that's popular in the area you're visiting and with no rental company logos or plates.

3. Don't bother to get the car washed; a little dust will help you blend right in with the locals.

4. When you park, keep maps, brochures, guidebooks and bags locked in the trunk. Buy a local paper and leave it on the seat to look more like a "native."

5. Ask the rental agent whether there are certain neighborhoods it would be best to avoid.

6. Keep doors locked and windows up while driving. -
999 E Touhy Ave, Des Plaines, IL 60018

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