Monday, October 28, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Miscellaneous Jokes :: #18595
By David Koblick from 4400 Steyr Austria

After 30 years delivering mail on the same route, a friendly mailman was going to retire, and all his customers were sad to see him go. On his last day, the family at the first house on one block came out on the porch, gave him an envelope of vacation money and a bottle of Scotch. At the next house the people gave him a box of Havana cigars and wished him well. The lady at the third house met him at the door in a flimsy negligee, and without saying a word, led him upstairs to the bedroom for a half-hour of passionate lovemaking, then downstairs to the kitchen, where she finished preparing a lavish breakfast of ham and eggs, buckwheat pancakes with maple syrup and a big pot of coffee.

As she was refilling his cup, he noticed a dollar bill sticking out from under the saucer.

"This is all overwhelming," he said, "but what's the dollar for?

"Well," she answered, "this morning I told my husband that you were retiring and asked him whether we should do something nice for you. He said, 'Fuck him! Give him a dollar.' The breakfast was my own idea."

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The Tip of The Day from
Words of Knowledge :: #806
By Isak Tush from Nairobi Kenya

pride and courage
The definitions of pride and courage are simple: Pride is holding your head up when all around you have theirs bowed, courage is what makes you do it. -
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