Thursday, October 24, 2013 - Funny Everyday jokes - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Blonde Jokes :: #14320
By Anonymous from USA.

A man has to go on a business trip for the weekend so he gives his blonde wife a new cell phone. "You can use this phone to reach me in case of an emergency as well as for your everyday use," he told her. "Thanks, I'll do just that", she said. Well the man returned home from his trip to find his wife very upset. "What's wrong honey?", he asked. "This stupid phone you gave me is a piece of crap, that's what's wrong!" "Fine. Tell me what happened" "Well, she said, I turned the phone on, pressed the menu button, placed my order, pressed the send button and no one has delivered me any food yet!"

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The Tip of The Day from
Money :: #693
By Hillary Madison from Los Angeles USA.

Buying new furniture?
Buying new furniture is a sure way to take a bite out of your savings account, but it doesn't have to be that bad. Here are a few ways you can save while furnishing your home:

Buy furniture from a furniture rental store- Furniture rental outlets often have retail shops where they'll sell their slightly used furniture at clearance prices.

Buy furniture from a model home- Brand new furniture at clearance prices from model home builders Look under Homes in the yellow pages.

Buy directly from the manufacturer- If you know what you want try dropping into the manufacturer's outlet or give them a call and order directly from them. It cuts out all the middlemen which lower prices. -
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