Tuesday, May 4, 2010

SpicyJokes.com - Funny Everyday jokes

SpicyJokes.com - Your Daily Joke
The Spicy Joke of The Day
Entertainment Jokes :: #22328
By from Unknown

An avid jogger has a daily route that takes him by an antique store and over a bridge. One day as he is jogging, he sees a paperweight in the window of the store in the shape of a rat painted gold. He likes the statuette and buys it, then continues his route. He looks behind him and sees a rat following him. He thinks nothing of it and continues to jog. He looks behind him again and sees a mob of rats following him, but keeps jogging. By the time he reaches the bridge, every rat in the city is following him. He stops on the bridge and throws the paperweight into the river, and all the rats jump in after it, and drown. The man jogs back to the antique store and asks the man behind the counter, "Do you have any golden lawyer statues?"

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The Tip of The Day from WisdomTips.com
Relationships :: #3779
By John W. Dillow from Gresham USA.

Beginning and end
We are all born into this world naked with nothing and when we die, we leave this world with only memories. Looking back on our lives, no one ever says: I wish I had spent more time at work or what a great time it was watching TV. It's the times that we were challenged the most, our achievements and the fun times with family and friends that we will remember.

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